In keeping with yesterday's post, I want to revisit the need to focus on the bigger picture, including all that can be learned from taking on a wedding full speed ahead.
It's good to remember first that weddings have a momentum, and that what looks simple and innocuous in February may become complicated and overwhelming in June (one month before your July wedding). Often there's no way to know ahead that this could happen and hence, no way to prepare for it.
We are familiar with the word "vision" from business circles, but the term and its ultimate value can be applied to our personal events and rituals as well. In my own business experience with process exercises, I have found it useful to create vision and include all possibility of potential upset as a way of anticipating the bumps in the road, and if they are out of our control, at least we know they're not buried within us as unspeakable.
When I interview couples, I ask for their vision and they often have a hard time answering. It comes clearer as we work through the ceremony development. So what does a full vision picture look like? It includes the possibility that not only rain might fall on an outdoor wedding, but a strong wind might stir up as well. This does not necessarily mean cancel that outdoor dream. It does mean that if you picture the joy and pleasure of being in either indoor or outdoor, knowing the outdoor setting is much preferred, you will avoid residual disappointment.
And once again I want to emphasize the value of talking through the challenges of "doing wedding" with your beloved intended, especially as you enter the last two weeks. Our secret suffering weighs heavily on us, and it shows up somewhere beneath the surcface, visible to many.
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