Sunday, November 9, 2008

Writing Your Own Vows

I did a wedding last evening that really inspired me to encourage my couples to write their own vows. These were young, shy people, who wrote absolutely gorgeously of their love for one another. In my letter back to them today (I send my couples a keepsake of their ceremony script), I told them how we the listeners, those of us witnessing their wedding, longed to hear authentic love spoken and articulated. I even said: "We're hungry for it."

So those of you out there who are shy about your writing ability, I say: Yes, you can do it. Be authentic and it will melt your lover's heart and lift your guests to the ceiling. I'm still flying.

1 comment:

  1. Elly:

    I no longer perform weddings but I encouraged my couples to write their own vows and to do it together. From that simple advice, I expanded on it and have an Ebook and a blog where I write articles on how to write vows that create powerful marriages.

    My philosophy is that if a couple take the time to write their vows together in shared conversation about the dream they have for their life together then write their vows as promises telling each other what they will do to keep that dream alive, that is like drawing a blueprint, or creating a foundation, or a law of attraction.

    This is the most important time energetically, emotionally, that a couple will ever experience and it has magic properties.

    Most couples completely miss this opportunity to give clear direction to their lives.

    Love, light and laughter,
    Rev. Linda Bardes, The Wedding Vow Coach
    Helping couples write down the dream and then live it!
